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Life expectancy in New Zealand

Do you know what the average life expectancy in New Zealand is? Although, thoughts abound about how humans could routinely live to 130 or 140 years of age, we're not there yet.

The average life expectancy has been increasing globally and in New Zealand it's currently 81.6 years. This ranks us at 17 in the world. Interestingly, while women generally live longer than men, on a world scale our females rank at 26 and our males at 10.

Ranking higher at number four, our neighbours across the Tasman have a slightly longer expectancy of 82.8 years for both sexes. Females come in at number seven in the world and for the male population it's number three.

New Zealanders born in the late 1870s could expect to live to their early 50s. Things have changed considerably since then. Kiwis are living progressively longer and according to figures from Statistics New Zealand, the average life expectancy for females is 83.2 years, while for males it is 79.5 years. More than 10% of Kiwis born today will become centenarians.

Curious as to what your life expectancy might be? Use the Statistics NZ calculator to find out.

In case you are wondering which country has the longest life expectancy, it's Japan. Switzerland is second and Singapore third*.

Then there are the so-called Blue Zones. Areas in the world where people live considerably longer. Sardinia and Acciaroli in Italy, and Okinawa, Japan, are three places with record numbers of centenarians. Other Zones are found in Costa Rica, Greece, Sweden and California. Along with life expectancy, their health expectancy is extremely high. These regions have been the subject of many studies trying to unlock the secrets of a long and healthy life. Diet, movement, community, and a sense of belonging are some of the factors identified as contributing to their remarkable longevity.

Many of the factors contributing to our health are ones over which we have some control. Think, exercise, sleep, diet, smoking, stress, alcohol consumption, and social activities. While we can do much to ensure we live healthy, fulfilling lives, the reality is that none of us know how long we have on this earth.

It's not something any of like to think about, but how prepared are you if you or your partner were to pass away early? Equally, are you prepared for living beyond expectations? How prepared are you for reaping the rewards of a lovely, long retirement?

To help us understand the personal and financial situation of each client, we use the six-step process which includes a full needs analysis. This enables us to know your goals and expectations so we both obtain an overall idea of the best plan for you. We look for the best protection possible while being mindful of your budget.


The world figures are taken from World Health Organization data published in May 2016.