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Why bother with Health Insurance?

In New Zealand we are lucky to have an excellent health system. In the case of an accident, ACC can help cover the costs of our treatment and even compensate us for lost wages. If we fall ill, we can rely on the care of hospitals and other medical providers with the majority of the cost being covered by our government-funded healthcare system. As a result, many people decide to forego the expense of personal health insurance and put their faith in the public system. But despite this, there a...

October 7, 2019


Insurer AIA (Sovereign) has recently released a new wellness programme that has got the team at NZ Advice Group excited. It’s called AIA Vitality and it’s the first programme of its kind in New Zealand. In today’s blog, we’re going to deep dive into the package by looking at how it works, what it costs and covering off frequently asked questions so you’re in the know. What is AIA Vitality? AIA Vitality is a wellness programme that supports and rewards you for making healthy lifestyle c...

August 27, 2019

What is the OCR and how does it affect us?

It is looking more and more likely that New Zealand will experience yet another cut to the OCR rate with the next drop coming in August and another one predicted again in November. But what does this mean For New Zealanders? How would the OCR cut affect you? In this month’s blogs we weight it up and go through a few OCR FAQs. What is the OCR? OCR stands for Official Cash Rate and it’s essentially the price we pay to borrow money. The rate is set by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and determ...

July 31, 2019

Are you ready to rock your retirement?

For most of us, retirement is seen as the light at the end of the tunnel. A chance to do all those ‘what ifs’ and ‘maybes’ we talked about throughout our working lives. Wining and dining, holidays, getting the boat you’ve always wanted. But for many New Zealanders, the reality is very different. Without a solid retirement plan in place, the money often just isn’t there to make retirement dreams come true. In today’s blog, we break down the different options for investing money whil...

July 5, 2019

10 ways to protect your home

Claiming on insurance is a bit like an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. It’s rarely something we want to have to use but we’re sure glad it’s there when we need it. An insurance claim usually means things have not gone your way and actually using that insurance that you’ve so diligently been paying for can be a bittersweet moment. Many people find they need to claim on home and contents insurance after a break in. It’s an emotional time where the home occupants often feel violate...

June 4, 2019

Analysis: Government turns its back on Capital Gains Tax

After months of speculation and uncertainty, the proposed Capital Gains Tax (CGT) has been axed. Many New Zealanders breathed a sigh of relief but for others, they were disappointed. In this month’s blog, we look at both sides of the equation to see how different Kiwis fare from this decision. What were the proposed changes? The Labour government had proposed introducing a CGT. On the table were the following proposals: Taxing any profit made on the sale of assets. The rate would be set at the...

May 6, 2019

How to buy a house at the right price

As we come into the colder months, house prices are dropping, the market is cooling and there are bargains to be had! It’s often wise to take advantage of buying at this time of year and we’ve put together some other hints below to make sure you get the best bang for your buck if you’re house hunting. Scope the Neighbourhood Make sure you know what houses in the neighbourhood you’re looking at are selling for. A good way to do this is to compare what the houses have sold for over the las...

April 4, 2019

So, you want to invest in a property?

Investing in property is often heralded as part of the Kiwi dream. Us Kiwis love our property investing! If you’re ready to take the plunge and look at investing in property here’s a few tips to get you started. Finance Before embarking on the search for the perfect property you first need to make sure you can finance it. Have a chat to a financial advisor and mortgage broker to see what’s possible and how you can leverage any existing assets to help with your purchase. A chat with our hom...

March 4, 2019

A Few Financial F’s for February

With a new year comes new financial commitments and the need to focus on how our money is going to work for us in the year ahead. At NZ Advice Group we have three talented financial planners who’ve contributed their Financial Fs for February to give you some ideas of what to think about in February to start your year off on the right track. Fees Fees are a fact of life when it comes to finances. But regularly reviewing your bank account options to make sure you’re not paying unnecessary fees...

February 5, 2019

Goal setting

The end of one year and the start of another always feels like a good chance to start afresh. It’s time to wipe the slate clean and set new goals. Before you do this, take a moment to look back over the past year. Grab a pen and paper and write down three things you achieved and three things that you could have been done better. This will help you focus your intentions and start your planning for what you want out of the new year. While it’s true that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail, w...

January 17, 2019

Tips for a Smooth Financial Christmas Season

It’s the same date every year, but it still seems to always catch us by surprise. We’re talking about the season to be jolly but there’s nothing jolly about your bank balance taking a severe bashing. Combine your creativity with some smart planning and you can avoid spending the first half of the next year paying off the debt you accrued over the silly season. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Gift giving, going out and groceries are expenditures that can easily get out of h...

November 19, 2018

Making a Claim

We take out insurance to cover us at times when we need it. But when it comes time to access our cover, the process of making a claim can be a time of uncertainty and overwhelm. Can I claim for this? Which forms should I use? How do I lodge the claim? When will I receive my money? The questions come hard and fast and it might just feel like it’s all too much. Working with an adviser makes it easier as we are here to help you put the paperwork together, answer any questions and guide you throug...

October 29, 2018

Budgeting Tools

When it comes to money matters are you a saver or a spender? Do you keep elaborate spreadsheets accounting for every cent spent or are you more prone to burying your head in the sand and not giving much thought to where your money goes?We often associate the word ‘budget’ with scrimping, denial and restriction. Readily-available credit and our desire for instant gratification can easily lead to overspending. We don’t want it now, we want it yesterday! This makes it’s easy to overestimate...

September 12, 2018

ACC – Are you paying too much?

ACC – Accident Compensation Corporation – is a no-fault scheme that covers both New Zealand residents and visitors to the country. The scheme provides financial compensation and support to offset costs incurred by anyone who has been injured in an accident, regardless of how it occurred or whose fault it was. Founded back in 1974, it is a compulsory scheme which aims to improve the quality of life in New Zealanders. It is quite unique with only a handful of countries around the world operati...

August 14, 2018

Alternative investment to property

Investing in property is not for everyone. Some don’t want to deal with maintenance, pay rates, insurance, property management, and everything else owning property entails. Others are simply looking for a faster return on investment (ROI).   Property investment is not liquid. If you need money fast for example to pay for a health problem or to buy a new car etc. you can’t sell a bedroom or a bathroom to arrange fast cash. Sure, you could increase or take out a mortgage on the property,...

July 16, 2018

Selling your home?

Whether you are selling your home to upsize or downsize, you want to make sure you get top dollar. If you’re about to put your home on the market, then you’ll want to read these tips to ensure you maximise the return on one of your biggest investments. 1. Make a Great First Impression Curb appeal can easily get a 100% return on the money. So, view your house exterior and front yard with a critical eye. A lick of paint and a bit of landscaping can go a long way in enticing potential buyers to...

June 12, 2018

Is it time to review your insurance?

When was the last time you reviewed your insurance policies? A recent study found only 41% of people had reviewed their cover in the last two years. If you’re one of the remaining 59%, this could mean that you have the wrong cover for your current needs. You might have gaps in your cover or be paying too much for unneeded cover. Taking out insurance to cover health, family, and income is not a set and forget exercise. Lifestyles and situations change, and your insurance needs to keep pace. Fa...

May 1, 2018

Have you had any changes in your life recently?

The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, said that the only thing that is constant is change. And we can’t argue with that.Sometimes we plan changes, while other times they occur unexpectedly. Major life changes include: getting married having a baby adoption gaining/losing a dependent divorce loss of a spouse through death or divorce remarriage becoming a step-parent Be it a happy or sad occasion, one thing these changes have in common is that they all require some level of administration. When you...

April 4, 2018

Home inspections – yes or no?

Buying a home Buying a home is exciting. You discover your dream home and immediately envisage moving in. Maybe you’ve already started mentally renovating and decorating it to your taste. However, before getting caught up in all the excitement and signing on the dotted line, it’s worth taking a step back and seeking independent advice. Remember, once the deal is signed, sealed and delivered, the house is yours – along with any issues it may have. Removing the rose-coloured glasses and tak...

February 26, 2018

Opportunity of a lifetime or scam?

For many people it’s an easy distinction to make, but scams continue to succeed because people continue to fall prey to them. Phishing Phishing is an attempt to trick you into revealing personal and sensitive information via email or an internet site.  Who hasn’t received an email from someone in Nigeria promising to reward you for helping them transfer a large amount of money out of the country? All you have to do is supply them with – you guessed it – your complete bank det...

January 31, 2018

Plan ahead for a successful 2018

The beginning of a new year signals a fresh start. Every year we resolve to..........Making resolutions is easy. So too is breaking them. Keeping to them is the challenge. Follow this easy 4-step plan to break the cycle and enjoy a successful year ahead.1. Look Back Before racing ahead take time to look back. Think about the previous year and ask yourself the following questions: What went well? What didn’t go so well? What was in my control? What was outside my control? What was I most pro...

January 17, 2018

Be safe in the sun this summer

We associate summer with fun, festivities, and freedom. Christmas, New Year, holidays. Time to chill out, relax, take a holiday, and enjoy precious hours with family and friends. We don’t start the summer thinking about accidents. While they occur all year round, certain risks are heightened during the summer months. More people on the roads, in the water, increased alcohol consumption – these can all lead to injuries and accidents. Often preventable ones. Summer hazards Think of burns – ...

November 27, 2017

How to stop your life insurance premiums increasing each year

With the experience gained from the interactions he had with so many of our clients in his previous position, Sudesh is confident that he will continue to provide the advice and service that will give you the assurance you need when dealing with your insurance cover. Sudesh is currently going through further training to become an Authorised Financial Adviser, which will provide greater certainty for our clients when it comes to the financial advice he provides....

November 10, 2017

Have you ever broken a bone before?

An accidental injury can have a huge impact on day-to-day life. If this happened to you, how will it affect your ability to cover household and medical expenses? ACC’s no-fault scheme covers Kiwis who have been injured in an accident for up to 80% of their income. But people who suffer an injury may find themselves in need of additional short-term financial support to help while recovering. Accidental Injury Cover Sovereign’s new Accidental Injury Cover provides short-term financial support...

November 8, 2017

Stopping with Work? What Next?

Have you ever stopped to consider what you’d like to do when you stop working? And if you want to stop reading because retirement seems so far down the track it’s not worth thinking about yet, think again. It’s when it seems so far away that it’s the perfect time to start planning for it. Maybe you like the idea of just putting your feet up and relaxing, or perhaps an active lifestyle is more your thing. Whichever it is, it helps to start laying the financial groundwork as early as poss...

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