Financial Advice Provider Disclosure

New Zealand Advice Group
Financial Advice Provider (FAP)

July 1st 2024

Licensing information

New Zealand Advice Group LTD (NZAG) holds a
license to operate as a FAP and provide a financial advice service in
New Zealand. FSP331706

Nature and scope of the advice

NZAG is able to provide the financial adviser services described below:

  • Providing a financial adviser service

  • Life Insurance

  • Trauma Insurance

  • Income and Mortgage Protection

  • Health Insurance

  • Total and Permanent Disablement Insurance

  • Investment Advice

  • Home Loan Services

We have agency agreements in place with over 14 companies so we can give options and comparisons to our clients.

Fees or Expenses

Analysing the suitability of the provision of products and/or
services to you and providing a financial service to you in the form of a
Statement of Advice and all associated documentation is given as a
service. There is no cost to you for the entire term of the mutually
agreed engagement. NZAG is paid by the Insurance/Home Loan Company in
the form of commission and retirement or investment savings in the form
of a fee and trail commission. NZAG may also receive ongoing commission
for the life of the product(s) placed. You will not be billed or asked
to pay any fees to NZAG at any time even if the engagement of services
is terminated by either party. Some organisations may give NZAG or its
individual advisers non-financial benefits depending on the decisions
that you make.

Conflicts of interest and incentives

As a provider of professional financial adviser services, NZAG and
its advisers have an obligation to act in the interests of our clients
when making a recommendation. In providing advice to you, should any,
actual or potential conflict of interest arise then we undertake to
bring any such conflict of interest to your notice so that you may
assess our advice objectively.

Complaints handling and dispute resolution

If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of our
service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem for you
using our internal complaints process.

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to
use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact our Disputes
Resolution Scheme; this service will cost you nothing, and will help us
resolve any disagreements.

You can contact The IFSO at;

Address:                 P.O Box 10-845, Wellington NZ

Telephone number: 04 499 7612

Email address:

Duties information

When we give advice we follow the internationally recognised six-step process:

  1.Establishing the client-adviser relationship,

  2.Gathering client data and determining your goals and expectations,

  3.Analysing and evaluating the clients financial position, personal
and business insurance, home loan situation and retirement planning,

  4.Developing and presenting written advice

  5.Overseeing the implementation of the plan and

  6.Monitoring and reviewing the plan.  

We must comply with the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial
Advisers and must meet legal duties, standard of competence, knowledge
and skill of the code of conduct. We must also give priority to our
clients interests, exercise care, diligence and skill and meet the
standards of ethical behavior.

We also have other obligations under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (including regulations made under that Act) and under the general law.

Contact details            

New Zealand Advice Group FSP331706

New Zealand Advice Group Mortgages FSP427366

Discount Life FSP773991

New Zealand Advice Group Investments FSP621049

WG and HG Bax LTD FSP119433

Address                            P.O Box 44366 Point Chevalier Auckland 1246

                                         P.O Box 337 Matamata 3440

Trading name:                  New Zealand Advice Group LTD or NZ Advice Group, Discount Life LTD, My Insurance Cover

Telephone number:           0800 230 235

Email address: